Wednesday 8 February 2012

So You Wanna Quit High School?

To think of all the time I've wasted, I'm appalled.  It's been 8 years since I quit high school and I have nothing to show for the amount of time that I've worked in those years.  If anything, I have a failed marriage, a 4 page resume and a series of abandoned apartments.

I still live in an apartment, I'll be 25 this year.  I have no education other than a certificate saying I am smart enough to have a general grade 12.  I have around $20 in my bank account for fun stuff but no time to do this "fun stuff" as I have no choice but to work constantly.

I work around 93.5 hours bi-weekly and nothing to show for it but a good work ethic which may help me get another minimum wage job as reference.

The woman who set up my bank account and helps me with my finances was in the same high school classes as me.  The nurse at the doctors office was in a grade lower than me.  This is not a good feeling.

If you're considering quitting school, please watch this video first.


  1. Finish college too! Even at 90% of my 2-yr degree complete, I am making no where near what I should be making. I make about $12/hr on average but once I finish, I will be making at least double that in an entry level position. So yeah... and don't make the mistake I did and flunk out of college your first semester. :( I dunno about where you live, but I had to go through a lot of crap to get back into college after I flunked.

    I was to wish you good luck! You will probably have to take high school level classes until you "catch up" but it will be worth it. :) Stay in college! lol :)

  2. *want, even :) Whoops!

  3. Hahaha thanks Lori and yes...STAY IN COLLEGE! I understand that some people HAVE to leave for certain reasons, however always make it your goal to go back and get it done and over with. As someone who has wasted a lot of time, take it from me!

  4. Wow !!! are a fantastic writter!!!!...I could read your stuff forever!!!...I am so very proud of you for trying your best to get into secondary school!!!..As my Mother would say...GOD LOVE YOU!!!lol..hugs Ash xoxo
