Friday 18 May 2012

A & Double-Poo

My boyfriend and I decided to try out the A&W in Summerside for the first time since it's opening.  We both had eaten at A&W before in other cities so we expected the same here.

We ordered each a Baby Burger.  One with extra pickles and onions, and the other as is.  There were 4 staff members working and about 5 customers backed up waiting for short orders.  I expected it to be a fast transaction and we would leave with onion breath and satisfied.  Not so much.

After about 15 minutes we got our small, individually wrapped burgers and headed to the neat little tables outside to eat.  Neither one of the burgers were marked so we had to inspect them to see whose was whose.  They were both identical with only ketchup, toasted buns and a small meat patty.  Well that set me off.

I marched (well, maybe walked) back inside and informed the young, spaced out looking cashier that there were no pickles OR onions on my burger.  She didn't apologize, just turned to the supervisor who seemed to be the only one doing anything to keep the "show" running, with a quizzical look on her face. The supervisor took my burger and sent it back to the burger-making-station demanding for there to be pickles and onions added to my burger and called them out on their mistake.  People make mistakes, I can understand that, so I stood there waiting for my burger with a nice, polite smile on my face.

Another 5 minutes pass while they fill some more orders without correcting mine first - which in my opinion would have been pretty simple and quick.  The supervisor calls to the back looking for my burger which then appears in the metal tray that sorts the burgers to be given to the right customer. The supervisor took my burger and held it up to the burger making people to confirm my extra condiments were added - they took the burger back AGAIN and "fixed" it.  The supervisor turned to me and mouthed "I told them 5 times!".

I was then given my burger with a smile, a nod and a statement -"Sorry for the mix-up, I would give you some apple turnovers, but we don't have any!"


I scurried outside to meet Neil and finally eat.  He was already finished by this time.  The burger was decent in the end but not worth my time.

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Illness for the Innocent

The more I think about illness and disease the more I realize that it only seems to torment and invade the lives of the people who least want to die.  They show strong will, determination to "beat it" <-- haha Michael Jackson reference - and pamper themselves into a total healing.  It's the slow, agonizing, goodbye process that everyone hopes that they get to have before they leave their loved ones.

I know people...probably myself included, that would embrace such a disease or illness in a different way.  As an easy, less selfish, less invasive and much less shocking way to disappear. No one can blame you for getting cancer (they may try to if you smoke, etc), no one can blame you for dying naturally, no one is angry with you for leaving them.

Sometimes I wonder what the point of going on is?  Well, there really isn't one.  You have to make it up yourself.

Some of us will grow old, feeble, alone and sick.  Taken care of by people who may not even really care.  People who have to pay their bills and didn't get hired on in a fast food chain soon enough.

No pictures of your beautiful white wedding on the wall - because you didn't have one.
No pictures of your beautiful children on the wall - because you didn't have any.

I guess you can be thankful for whatever you have, if you have anything worth being thankful for.  Then again, should I be thankful for something that I've earned?  I believe I should just expect it.