Tuesday 13 September 2011

I exist.

You often hear people say “you were born to do this”, “you have a purpose”. While this is fine to boost someones self worth, it is unfair to believe.
Humanity is essentially a freak of nature. We reside on this planet – a mere plant amongst so many others with many other creatures and life forms.
Due to our “advanced” brain matter which grows with the age of our planet, we feel it's fair to believe we are superior to other beings of the earth. As a human this is our first mistake. Humans have evolved the same as an organism evolved into an animal then to a human. We learn to adapt to the lifestyle we choose for ourselves. We as human beings created this. If you want to do something, you can find ways to accommodate by shifting your thoughts, motives and lifestyle.
We are forever changing in thought and body. Every seven years we become a new person. We shed our skin cells like any other living creature, our brain matter develops and dies all throughout our life, therefore we have no “self”.
One of the biggest flaws in humanity is believing that we have a purpose in life.
Humans are not designed to drive, fly or live in houses or eat artificial foods. We are designed to hunt and build shelters. We created a financial system. Money was only paper until we put a value and status upon it. We choose who we love, what we value and what we care about. We evolved into a humanity that must work for a paycheck at a seemingly meaningless job to pay for our residence and bills for services that we as a species created. The barter system was much more efficient. If we all had to grow our own food as we were designed, and hunt for our meals we would be more at peace as a whole. If we all built our own homes we would have no rent, no mortgage. Go into the woods, cut down your lumber and build your house, then it's yours. Nothing in this time is actually yours, even if you purchased it with the money you've created.
Life is easy for us now but still remains pointless until you put a value on it, if you choose to. If you do not - then you are wise. Live the duration of your life, do what you want to do and have fun but none of all this matters once your time is up. You cannot take anything to the grave with you. Not even the family you've created and chose to love dearly. You will be remembered by those left on this earth which may be the only existence of you left. What was you? You are just another human. Flesh, blood, organs, veins, bones and cartilage. You will be remembered for the things that you chose to do throughout your existence. If you decided to have children and they chose to love you then you will have a small legacy to leave behind. Once you are gone you are no longer able to watch over your “herd” nor do you care anymore – you're dead. There is no heaven, no hell yet chances are your lifeless self will parade throughout a religious building that humans built for their comfort. Since our unfortunately advanced human mega brains feel the need to hold onto everything we label as dear we decided to create a mess about death with religious belief.

Religious belief, my friends, is a totally new blog post. Stay tuned.

Love, Ashley